Develop your team with Brimo to boost your business

Tool for teamleads and HR managers

Screen UI Brimo Dashboard
Brimo gradeBrimo analytics
Brimo review

Team leaders and managers recommend Brimo

What you can do with Brimo

Build skill maps to set  clear requirements
Skill maps

Build skill maps to set clear requirements

Set up required skills, define mastery levels, and allocate skills’ requirements for each level

Build skill map

Create grades to set right expectations

Create grades to set right expectations

Allocate requirements from a skill map to each grade so your team members would know their grade within their team

Сreate a skill map

Make career tracks so employees could see their possibilities
Career tracks

Make career tracks so employees could see their possibilities

Connect grades to create a career track for a or for a specific role in your company so your employees could see how they can grow into

Сreate a skill map

Use skill maps from professional community

View all skill cards

Set goals and </br>watch employee’s progression

Set goals and
watch employee’s progression

Choose a career track with your team member, define goals for them to achieve, and mark their achievements

Сreate a skill map

Review skills and evaluate progress with your team members
Skill review

Review skills and evaluate progress with your team members

Select reviewees and start review to assess employee’s skills and provide valuable feedback

Сreate a review

Future features in Brimo


Consulting program

You will be able ask senior and leading specialists for help with assessment of your company, team or a certain team member


Candidates assessment

Skill maps, and grades will be integrated into hiring process so you could assess candidates according to your team’s level and requirements


HR surveys

We will add survey maker and add industry standard surveys like 360 degrees, eNPS and many others


AI advisor

AI will recommend books and articles to read to achieve next grade

Plans and pricing